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"Boris Kamilarov" Scholarship


Welcome to the "Boris Kamilarov" Scholarship page!  


The scholarship is an idea of classmates from the German High School in Sofia, who completed their higher education in Germany and Austria. It has been awarded annually since 2014 in memory of our great friend and active member of the Bulgarian student society in Berlin - Boris Kamilarov. Our mission is to support young and talented Bulgarian students in the difficult initial stage of their studies at a German university. We hope to find active Bulgarian young people, ambitious to work and achieve success, but also ready to be helpful and responsible to their compatriots abroad.  

The scholarship consists of a one-time financial aid of at least EUR 500 and mentoring support for applying to German and other foundations in order to finance the subsequent stages of academic education. It is aimed at future or current students in Germany up until the 3rd semester of their studies (bachelor's, master's or other university programs). Applicants must demonstrate excellent track record, social activity and engagement for current events in Bulgaria. You will find additional information in the section "About the scholarship", where you will find the stories of some of our fellows.  

Information about the team of the "Boris Kamilarov" Scholarship can be found in the "About Us" section. You can follow us and write to us on social networks or through the contact form at the bottom of the page. And if you find our endeavor useful, we will be extremely grateful for your support. More information on how to do this can be found here. 

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About the scholarship

Boris Kamilarov Scholarship is an initiative of already graduated university students from the German High School and their friends, through which to support young Bulgarian students with proven academic success and social activity  during the initial stage of their study in Germany. It has been awarded annually since 2014 in memory of our great friend and active member of the Bulgarian Student Society in Berlin - Boris Kamilarov.

Always smiling and dedicated, Boris was one of the brightest young Bulgarians who decided to graduate. ​ education in Berlin.  With a lot of talent, diligence and sincere curiosity, he quickly became a leading and award-winning student at the Technical University of Berlin and was chosen by his professors to participate in innovative and prestigious research projects.  Bob  he loved  interesting  academic challenges and boldly approached  to the problems. He never gave in to the ordinary difficulties of life and was able to find the positive in every situation.
Boris loved Bulgaria very much and worked for the maintenance of the beautiful Bulgarian traditions and customs. He danced in Bulgarian folklore
  ensemble, sang in the church choir and actively participated in the cultural initiatives of the Bulgarian community. But above all, after Bob remains the memory of his human kindness and endless devotion to family and friends. He was always ready to help a friend, comfort him and create a good mood. That is why even now we hope that Bob's example will be contagious for some Bulgarian girl or boy who is ambitious to work and achieve success, but also ready  in turn to be responsive and responsible to others. 

Since we created the scholarship, we have managed to select 13 girls and boys who successfully study various specialties in Germany, such as law, music, architecture, etc. In addition to the one-time initial support, our team provided mentoring support to selected fellows to apply to German and other foundations in order to finance the entire academic education. We are glad that our efforts have already achieved results and 5 of our fellows have won full scholarships and opened many new opportunities. Check out some of them below. We hope that their success will be an example for many more girls and boys!

What have we achieved?


Zdravka Ivanova, town of Kazanlak

I study instrumental art  at the University of Music and Theater in Munich. With the support of my mentor from the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship, I also fought  for two more German scholarships  and I was approved for an Erasmus exchange at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. 

The scholarship  motivates me to join the Bulgarian Student Association in Munich, of which I was elected chairman. With our small and cohesive team we are fighting to resume the Bulgarian student cultural events in the city. 

Boris Kamilarov Scholarship  gave an amazing start to my training  abroad. I think it is important for each of us to proudly present our homeland - to participate and promote it in various cultural events. I hope that in the future I will be given many more opportunities through which to contribute even a small part of the people to touch the traditions and culture of the Bulgarians.

Yordan Terziev, 21

I decided to study law in Berlin, where I have the opportunity to focus entirely on education, to develop my language skills, to learn about a new culture, to make new friends, and to grow as a person.  

Going back to the beginning of this journey, I always remember with a smile  the impetus I received through the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship. Apart from the financial support, I am also grateful for the mentoring program. It is very important to me because it gives me valuable advice and guidance in preparing for a German scholarship. I gained invaluable experience in writing cover letters and behaving in interviews. 

I hope that in time I will have the opportunity to provide similar support. Students need such initiatives, and abroad they are even more valuable. 

Kristina Gerganova, Sofia

My name is Kristina Gerganova and I graduated from the 91st German Language High School "Professor Konstantin Galabov"  in the city of Sofia. I live in Berlin and study Dentistry in Charites.


I have chosen a difficult specialty that requires financial stability, as students have to bear the cost of all the necessary materials and tools for the courses. The scholarship helped to cover the costs of training and provided me with peace of mind, while continuing to develop professionally and personally.


I am sincerely grateful to everyone who supported me.


Miracles happen to those who are brave enough to wish for them and persistent enough in the pursuit of their dreams!

Kristina Tomova, Varna

Architecture has been my passion for many years and I am very happy to study it in Germany. Here I receive not only elite professional knowledge and opportunities for development, but also many life lessons.


I am infinitely grateful to the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship for the mentoring support I receive in difficult times. Together we walked the path to being a scholarship holder of a German organization. In the beginning I applied for financial support, but I received something much more - inspiration from the example of successful young Bulgarians.


My motivation for success is now based not only on the idea of personal development, but also on the desire to contribute as an architect and citizen to create a more aesthetic, humane, inspiring and supportive living environment.

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Zdravka Ivanova, town of Kazanlak

I study instrumental art  at the University of Music and Theater in Munich. With the support of my mentor from the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship, I also fought  for two more German scholarships  and I was approved for an Erasmus exchange at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. 

The scholarship  motivates me to join the Bulgarian Student Association in Munich, of which I was elected chairman. With our small and cohesive team we are fighting to resume the Bulgarian student cultural events in the city. 

Boris Kamilarov Scholarship  gave an amazing start to my training  abroad. I think it is important for each of us to proudly present our homeland - to participate and promote it in various cultural events. I hope that in the future I will be given many more opportunities through which to contribute even a small part of the people to touch the traditions and culture of the Bulgarians.


Yordan Terziev, 21

I decided to study law in Berlin, where I have the opportunity to focus entirely on education, to develop my language skills, to learn about a new culture, to make new friends, and to grow as a person.  

Going back to the beginning of this journey, I always remember with a smile  the impetus I received through the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship. Apart from the financial support, I am also grateful for the mentoring program. It is very important to me because it gives me valuable advice and guidance in preparing for a German scholarship. I gained invaluable experience in writing cover letters and behaving in interviews. 

I hope that in time I will have the opportunity to provide similar support. Students need such initiatives, and abroad they are even more valuable. 


Yordan Terziev, 21

I decided to study law in Berlin, where I have the opportunity to focus entirely on education, to develop my language skills, to learn about a new culture, to make new friends, and to grow as a person.  

Going back to the beginning of this journey, I always remember with a smile  the impetus I received through the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship. Apart from the financial support, I am also grateful for the mentoring program. It is very important to me because it gives me valuable advice and guidance in preparing for a German scholarship. I gained invaluable experience in writing cover letters and behaving in interviews. 

I hope that in time I will have the opportunity to provide similar support. Students need such initiatives, and abroad they are even more valuable. 


Yordan Terziev, 21

I decided to study law in Berlin, where I have the opportunity to focus entirely on education, to develop my language skills, to learn about a new culture, to make new friends, and to grow as a person.  

Going back to the beginning of this journey, I always remember with a smile  the impetus I received through the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship. Apart from the financial support, I am also grateful for the mentoring program. It is very important to me because it gives me valuable advice and guidance in preparing for a German scholarship. I gained invaluable experience in writing cover letters and behaving in interviews. 

I hope that in time I will have the opportunity to provide similar support. Students need such initiatives, and abroad they are even more valuable. 



In 2021, the scholarship consists of a one-time financial aid of at least EUR 500 and mentoring support for applying to German and other foundations in order to finance the subsequent stages of academic education.

Applicants for the scholarship must meet the following conditions:

  • a student up to the third semester of studying at a German higher education institution (bachelor or other equivalent program), including newly admitted students who are about to start their studies in the autumn of 2021,  ​

  • with excellent results in secondary education and / or study,

  • with proven social commitment and attitude to current events in Bulgaria.

To apply, you need to fill out the form below on this page, attaching it to a single consolidated document in PDF format  the following documents:

  • tabular CV in Bulgarian (Europass format is not accepted);

  • cover letter in Bulgarian;

  • scanned high school diploma (no need to be translated or legalized);

  • up-to-date certificate of enrollment or admission to a German university (eg "Immatrikulationsbescheinigung", "Studentenausweis" or "Zulassungsbescheid");

  • scanned sample of current students' grades  (eg "power of attorney");

  • certificate of income of the parents or guardians - scanned copy of an up-to-date document on annual income from the National Revenue Agency (NRA) (no need to be translated or legalized);

  • others (eg references, diplomas, certificates from additional courses, etc.).  

The deadline for applications is October 10, 2021 .

Important!Documents that are not in PDF format will not be considered.  


After getting acquainted with the documents, the team of the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship will hold interviews with the selected candidates. The interviews will take place on 4-5 or 11-12 December 2021 in Berlin, Germany, or online, with the final date to be confirmed at a later stage. the team of  Boris Kamilarov Scholarship  reserves the right to make changes to the plan or method of implementation based on the epidemic situation in Europe in 2021 or other unforeseen circumstances.  

You can also download our brochure for 2021.

We wish success to all candidates!

Формуляр за кандидатстване

Form  to apply

Attach document (PDF)

I have read and agree to the privacy policy .

* Upon successful completion of the form, you will be taken to a confirmation page. 

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Boris Kamilarov Scholarship is an all-volunteer endeavor, carried out completely independently by our small team. All our efforts are aimed at the idea of supporting more young and responsible Bulgarians with the hope that they will help others in the future, and finally everyone will contribute with their experience to Bulgaria. Every help is useful and we will be extremely happy if you support us.



Our initiative is most useful when it reaches as many young and talented Bulgarian students who would need our support as possible. Therefore, you will help us if you follow the latest news on our website and on social networks and share them. Tell your friends and classmates about the scholarship. Write about it in the groups of your school or university or send them our current brochure.  



Support us by donating to our cause.  We accept wire transfers:

IBAN: DE 8510 0100 1009 2098 2109 | BIC: PBNKDEFF | Recipient: Stipendium Boris Kamilarov e.V. | Reason: Spende

Or you can donate via PayPal by clicking on the button below:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
За нас


The Boris Kamilarov Scholarship Team  consists of already graduated from the University of Germany classmates from the German High School and their friends, active today in a variety of professions and fields. Get to know us through our short business cards. We are here to answer all your questions about the scholarship. You can write to us by email or through the contact form below. We will also be happy if you follow our Facebook and Twitter pages, where you will also find up-to-date information about the scholarship. 

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Enver Tahir

Enver graduated in human medicine and defended his dissertation  in the Charites,  Berlin.  He currently works as a specialist radiologist at the University Clinic in Hamburg. He is a senior doctor, associate professor and author of scientific rooms in the field of cardiovascular imaging.


Konstantin Penchev

Kosyo has a masters degree in bio-informatics from the Free University of Berlin. He is currently the Vice-CTO of Patient21 and also the managing director of the company's subsidiary in Sofia.

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Martin Benjamin

Martin graduated in film studies and Spanish philology in Berlin. In 2014 he co-founded the company "Bio Benjamin" in Sofia for the production of raw chocolate.


Dimitar Shalvardzhiev

Dimitar graduated in Informatics and Business Administration at the Technical University of Sofia, as part of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Technical University of Braunschweig. After 2012 he co-founded and managed the software company Code Runners in Sofia.


Peter Petrov

Peter holds a degree in Economic Informatics and Software Engineering from the Technical University of Vienna, Austria. He currently manages various software projects and develops mobile applications in his own company Creative Pragmatics.

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Martin Panov

Martin graduated in law from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and majored in European law at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands. He works at the European Commission in Brussels. 


Vladislav Nenchev

Vlado graduated in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Berlin. After extensive research in automation and robotics in Berlin, Stockholm and Boston, he is currently developing algorithms and autonomous driving systems for BMW in Munich.

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Vasil Hristov


Hristina Ivanova


Kamen Ivanov


Veneta Vasileva

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Vasil Hristov

Vasco graduated in business administration from the University of Potsdam. He is currently working as a marketing manager at a software company in Berlin.


Hristina Ivanova

Christina graduated in dentistry from the Charité Medical School in Berlin. He currently specializes in pediatric dentistry in Hamburg. 


Kamen Ivanov

Kamen graduated in human medicine at the Charité Medical School in Berlin, after which he defended his doctoral dissertation. He is currently practicing as a neurologist in Berlin.


Veneta Vasileva

Veneta graduated in dentistry from the Charité Medical School in Berlin  and c  currently practicing as an oral surgeon in Berlin.


Stoyan Petleshkov

Stoyan graduated in business administration from the University of Vienna. He is currently working as a process specialist at an international company in Sofia.


Zdravka Ivanova

Zdravka Ivanova is one of the first scholarship recipients of the Boris Kamilarov Scholarship . She is  graduated in performing arts from the University of Music and Theater in Munich. He currently teaches at two of the main public music schools in Munich and Augsburg and continues his education in music pedagogy.  


Alexander Bolvin

After graduating, Alex worked as a digital consultant in Berlin, Germany. 

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